Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Stones in the River

An old man taking a leisurely stroll stumbles upon a young man sitting by the river bank, throwing pebbles into the water.
Noticing that the young man wore a worrisome expression, he engages him,
"Young man, why are you throwing stones into the river?"
"I am trying to distract myself from my stresses", the young man replied.
"Why don't you tell me what's troubling you? A burden shared is a burden halved", the old man suggested.
"Well, I've just been fired from my job, my son is sick and my wfie is threatening to leave me".
"That is indeed a lot to take.... May I share with you my own experience?" the old man asked.
"At this point I am open to any suggestions", the young man exclaimed.
"What will you do now that you are fired?"
"I don't know"
"Suppose you did know, what would you do?"
"I would look for another job I guess".
"What is so bad about that?" The old man asked.
"It's embarassing to say I was fired from my previous job".
"In what way?"
"I mean, I was not successful".
"Define success?"
"Success is happiness."
"Does one's job make one happy?"
"To some degree, yes".
"If your ex-boss said he made a mistake, and you can have your job back, would you be successful?"
"Kind of, I guess, yes."
"And what if your sick boy died tomorrow, would you still be successful?"
The young man's face drained of color at this hypothetical question.
"I see your point", he replied.
The old man continued, "And what if your wife DID leave you?" He asked. "How would you feel"?
"Sad and hurt", the young man offered.
"Unloved?" the old man probed.
"Yes, like I lost love", the young man admitted.
"Do you have love in your own heart?" Continued the old man.
"Yes, of course... a lot of it!", the young man replied, now a little aggitated.
"Then how would you have lost love?
"I see your point", the young man replied, now almost sheepishly.
"My dear child, one's occupation or status in society does not make one great, happy or successful. It may give the illusion of happiness, but that state is ephemeral. Chasing that kind of happiness leaves one chasing one's tail for life. Love does not come from someone else. That is not real love. That is the illusion of love. Real love comes from within your own heart, and that never leaves you no matter how battered your ego becomes. Always remember that".

The young man was silent now. He looked at the river, listening to the soothing sounds of the running streams. He pondered the words of the old man.
"But it is still hard", the young man finally said.
"Yes, life was not meant to be easy. It is the challenging experiences that allow you to know who you really are".
"Who am I?", the young man asked.
The old man said nothing.
"Who am I?" the young man asked once more.
Again the old man said nothing. Now frustrated, the young man screamed "WHO AM I?"
The old man smiled and softly said
"I already know, now it's your turn to know".